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  • Power range options: 0.25 to 132kW
  • Multiple set up options
    • Keypad
    • Smart keypad app
    • EASY starter
  • Approvals: CE, UL, CSA, EAC, RoHS
  • Degree of protection: IP20, NEMA Open Type
  • Safe Torque Off (STO)
  • Dynamic braking through brake resistor


The Lenze i550 cabinet frequency inverter is for control cabinet installation with a power range of 0.25 to 132kW. The wide-ranging modular system enables various product configurations depending on machine requirements. The i550 allows for further flexibility in that a user can purchase the complete device or specific components: Power Unit, Control Unit and Safety Unit.

Similar to the i510, the i550 includes functions such as DC-injection braking, brake management for brake control with low rate of wear, S-shaped ramps for smooth acceleration and delay, flying restart circuit, PID controller, and DC connection. Additionally, the i550 contains a Safe Torque Off (STO) function and allows for dynamic braking through a brake resistor. It contains standards I/O connections and motor controls through Servo control (SC-ASM) with feedback or V/f characteristic control with feedback.