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  • User-friendly LCD panel for easy installation
  • Adjustable termination and pull high/low resistors
  • Socket modes: TCP server, TCP client, UDP
  • Configure by Telnet, web browser, or Windows utility
  • SNMPMIB-II for network management
  • 32 to 131°F (0 to 55°C) operating temperature range


The Moxa NPort 5400 Series device server provides many features for serial-to-Ethernet applications, including an independent operation mode for each serial port, user-friendly LCD panel for easy installation, dual DC power inputs, and adjustable termination and pull high/low resistors. The NPort 5400 Series device servers can conveniently and transparently connect up to four serial devices to an Ethernet network, allowing a user to network their existing serial devices with only basic configuration. Data transmission between the serial and Ethernet interfaces is bidirectional.